Friday, 1 June 2007

John Lennon's Widow Tastes Dead Dog In Protest Against British Royal Family

Yoko Ono tasted a corgi kebab Tuesday night as part of a protest against the British Royal Family's treatment of animals. Controversial performance artist Mark McGowan cooked and ate the dead dog - the same breed as the queen's favorite pets - on a London radio show on which John Lennon's widow was also a guest.
Following his performance on London's 104.4 Resonance FM, McGowan said: "It's really, really disgusting. It's stinky, it's not like any meat I've seen.
"And Yoko looked a bit strange as she tried it.
"But it was provocative and exhilarating."
The pedigree dog - which died at a breeding farm two weeks ago - was cooked and served with herbs in a pita bread.
McGowan staged the stunt in protest against Britain's Prince Philip's involvement in the alleged inhumane killing of a fox during a royal shoot at Queen Elizabeth's Sandringham estate.
He previously said: "I'm raising awareness at the inability of the RSPCA to prosecute Prince Philip and his friends for shooting a fox this year. It was left to fight for life for five minutes then beaten to death."
A Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) spokeswoman said: "If the dog's dead he's free to eat it.
"But we did look at the incident with Prince Philip and decided no offense was committed. I'd suggest Mr. McGowan try a private prosecution."
McGowan, of Peckham, South London, has previously eaten a swan during a performance art show. An old English law states that all swans belong to the queen and it is illegal to kill them.

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