Monday 1 January 2007

Celebrities House

Do you like the celebrities from hollywood? I am sure that you always want to know more information about them. Here is a collection of Hollywood Celebrities houses and you can know where are they staying now.

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Eminem House do you want to buy??

Eddie Murphy House... Just Castle?

George Clooney House, Common House, Clooney is simple man!

Enrique Iglesias, No comment

Sylvester Stallone House , little, simple hous!

Denzel Wasington, Diznilend

Demi Moore - Ashton Kutcher
I Wondering wer they ar playing Tennis

Cindy Crawford, I like this women!

House of Drew Barrymore, I see not a thing, is it Fake

Catherine Zeta-Jones House, just 4, bed, bed

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