Tuesday 14 November 2006

Geeky: Pro Gamer Command Pad

Geeky: Pro Gamer Command Pad

How GEEKY - I am lovin it.

How would you ever figure out what buttons when to press?

Your indispensable gaming weapon, the Pro Gamer Command Pad gives you all the tools needed to perfect your skills at virtually any type of PC gaming. Not only do you get 20 buttons including space, shift, function and 3 mode states for up to 144 programmable commands, you also receive a handy 4-way analog hat switch and adjustable thumb control area.

Plus the laser etched keys glow in your choice of three colors. It's enough to make your left hand swoon with ergonomic gaming keypad bliss. Please purchase a small gift for your right hand so he doesn't feel left out.

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